Monday, February 18, 2008

Hole in the Wall

I can't believe I've walked by this place so many times and never went in until a few days ago! Don't let the name fool you; this bar is much bigger than it appears. When you walk in, there's a tiny stage on the left, a bar on the right, and if there's a band playing, barely enough room to maneuver. Keep walking towards the back and you'll find a larger room with a bar and pool tables. And if you go outside, you'll see yet another bar in a large room. There are many picnic tables, so you'll be able to chat with your friends while drinking and smoking--the room is covered and has garage doors for ventilation. You can only hear the band if you're in the front part of the bar. Jukeboxes--with a decent selection of music--are there for your listening pleasure.

I don't know if other clubs with multiple bars allow this, but at Hole in the Wall, you can access your tab from any of the three bars. This is really awesome because if one bar is crowded, you can go to one of the others, instead of having to elbow your way to an empty spot and hope the bartender notices you.

I really like this bar and hope to go back soon. Food is served, although I didn't look at a menu, so I'm not sure what their vegan options are. The only bad part is parking. You might have to drive around a bit until you find a spot. If you're willing to pay for parking, you can park in one of the university garages.

Hole in the Wall is located on the north end of the Drag, at 2538 Guadalupe.

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